Monday, August 29, 2011

Not Dogs, but

Oddly, I didn't really see any cute dogs this time in London.  Just pitbulls.  And no offense to pitbull lovers, but I do not find those cute.  It's like they're the one exception to the rule, "All Dogs Are Cute."

So, here's a Quizzical Duck, a pair of Big Beaked Birds, and a Royal Horse:

Again, all (c) mine!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Cred-less Street Dogs in NYC

"You lookin' at me?" "Yeah, hold still." "Get my good side!"

Apparently, that spot under the bench was all Puppy's - until she got picked up and carried away.

This one's not even trying to look tough.

Nor this one.  Besides, how can anyone look tough with a purple bench behind them?

Fuzzy here thinks he's being all cool and sardonic.  With those ears, not really working is it?

This tiny one is trying to be mean but is seriously failing thanks to tiny teeth and a dog park fence.

Trying to stare me down with this oojawooja face, bless.

This Schnauzer could care less which essentially made him the coolest dog in this bunch.
Oddly, the Upper East Side French Bulldog was the toughest looking one at all, if only because you didn't want to feed her after midnight...

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cheesy Title Alert: Adorable Airdale

At least this one looked at the camera...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wriggling Westie

It is remarkably hard to get good pics of terriers with a dummy-push-here, a.k.a. point & shoot.  I got somewhat lucky with this westie terrier.  She got bored within, oh, a millisecond, and started wriggling about and generally bugging her owner to let her chase things.  You see, your true Westie doesn't need admiration: s/he needs a good rodent to hunt, kill, and present dead to the living room - preferably where someone can sit on it.  

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Westie Yowling, Yes, a Yelling-type Howl, outside Marks & Spencer

He Yowled!  Full on "Woman, where have you left me, get back here NOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!"
The owner returned, clutching her Marks & Sparks bags and shaking her head. "What can I do?" she asked me sadly.  "I have to do my shopping."

Was it wicked to laugh?